Professional page of
François Bernard

About me

I am currently in post-doc at the Université Paris Cité, with André Belotto da Silva.
I did my PhD at the University of Angers, under the supervision of Jean-Philippe Monnier (LAREMA) and Goulwen Fichou (IRMAR).
I'm interested in singularity theory, complex algebraic geometry and real algebraic geometry. More precisely, my work concern the theory of complex regulous functions and the study of the seminormalization in real and complex geometry. I also work on the Lipschitz saturation of algebraic varieties. 

Here you can find my resume. [eng] (last update : April 2024)


Université Paris Cité, UFR de Mathématiques,
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche,
Bâtiment Sophie Germain, Bureau 717,
75205 Paris Cedex 13, France.

e-mail : fbernard[at]